Green GDP integrating economic growth with ecological sustainability


  • Pranav Bhaskar Integrative Centre for Research & Innovation in Biology, Braj Mohan Jha Science Research & Innovation Foundation, Chandigarh-160014, India; Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA-22908, USA
  • Rashmi Tripathi Department of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Banasthali University, Banasthali, Rajasthan, India



Green GDP, Economic stability, Ecological sustainability, Environmental policies, Natural resources, Economic indicators, Environmental protection, Biodiversity conservation, Environmental services


By integrating economic expansion with ecological sustainability, Green GDP signifies a paradigm change in economic analysis. It acknowledges the necessity of taking into account both conventional economic indicators and how economic activity affects the environment. The succinct summary of Green GDP in this abstract emphasizes its importance and ramifications. To address urgent environmental issues, ecological sustainability must be incorporated into economic appraisal. A comprehensive framework known as "Green GDP" acknowledges the connection between economic growth and the protection of ecosystems and natural resources. Green GDP gives policymakers a more precise grasp of the true costs and benefits of economic activity by considering environmental effects. The implementation of Green GDP will have a significant impact on how decisions and policies are made. It makes it possible to create and put into practice efficient environmental policies, directing resource allocation in the direction of sustainable activities. In addition, Green GDP encourages innovation, environmentally friendly technologies, and the creation of green jobs. Achieving a healthy balance between economic growth and ecological sustainability is difficult, but Green GDP offers a promising way forward. One problem is precisely assessing environmental impacts. To better methodology and data gathering, more study and cooperation are required. Incorporating ecological sustainability along with economic progress, Green GDP represents a substantial improvement in economic assessment. Its adoption can direct decision-makers toward well-informed choices that give equal weight to economic success and environmental protection, creating the foundation for a more sustainable future.




How to Cite

Bhaskar, P., & Tripathi, R. (2023). Green GDP integrating economic growth with ecological sustainability. Biophilia Insights, 1(1).



Review Article